Michael, me, and Angie
Son Jason and Jenny. Jason the good cook.
November 2018 when son Michael and daughter Angie came to visit. Son Jason and "soon to be wife" Jenny are sitting on Rachel the pig at the Pike Place market. We sure had fun in Seattle that day.
Michael forever being the comedian, picking Rachel's nose. I'll admit that I told him to do that for a funny photo opt.
Michael and Angie. Not quite sure what they were laughing at. :-)
At the Seattle Aquarium
Mics pictures of our Seattle adventure
Love having them all together in my airspace.
Michael loves clams. YUK! But I'm so glad we found him a bucket of clams. We didn't know it would be his last bucket ever.Dan and Michael looking at our coin collection
And, so Christmas rolls around
Bella getting off the cold ground to bird hunt. LOL. Shes funny.
My world came to an abrupt halt very soon after Christmas. My oldest son Michael died on 1/3/19 in Tallahassee where he lives. He died in an ATV accident. Part of me died inside too. I had to fly to Florida with my ex, his dad, and his brother Jason so we could take care of things. It was AWFUL! The only thing good was that we met his second "family", his work family. They loved him so much that 1/2 of his ashes are with them to be scattered in places he loved to ride. Wonderful, wonderful people and I'm so grateful they were in his life for many years.
Came back home and started to try and live life again. HARD HARD HARD! January 24th I had my total knee replacement on my left knee. OMG! Between physical pain and mental pain and going to physical therapy twice a week, its really taken a toll on me. Eventually the knee pain got better but my right knee was hurting so bad that it was hard to concentrate on getting the left one better. Then on April 7th there was a celebration of life for Michael here in Bremerton at my mom's place, now my sister's place. Lots of people came, but it was pretty much a blur for me. Then along comes May 14th. Total knee replacement on my right knee. I knew what to expect for the surgery part, but the healing part on the right knee has been very slow and I'm still going to PT and working on this knee.
June 15th Jason and Jenny got married. It was a nice wedding. My sister, Chris, married them. That was cool. I'm so happy for them and Jenny is such a great person.
And, life goes on. Living one day at a time. I turned the big 70. A new decade. Oh sigh. The pictures below aren't in order. My brain just can't think that good right now.
Michael's work crew family in Tallahassee. A VERY big part of his life! His 2nd family. Love them!
This is the picture board that my niece Tanya arranged for Michael's celebration of life
Me, Jason, and Jenny on their wedding day
Michael doing what he loved. Protesting and being an activist in Washington DC
Michael and his signs that he took with him to every time he was in DC for the Million Mask March
Out riding on an ATV having fun
Michael in the middle with the red ball can and some of his anonymous family, the third family
This is what was posted by John Anthony Fairhurst when Michael passed in his honor. His anonymous family has been most gracious with me.
Michael wrote this saying on Dec 2, 2018 on his FB page and I had it put on magnets for people. Below his obit from the Tallahassee newspaper.