

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Here's some more pictures of the Columbia River where we are staying at Columbia Riverfront RV Park. Heading to Rochester, WA next to the Lucky Eagle Casino.....
We love the Friday night seafood buffet there. YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bella out walking on the big log. I can't believe she didn't take advantage of the HUGE outdoor litter box. The whole beach!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha

Can you tell that she is a favorite subject? Just like our wonderful cat Bonehead was.
Walking the beach. You can see the barge in the background coming down the river.
The barge passing by us in the sparkly sunlight.
One lone sailboat having fun drifting around in the wind.
Another barge heading up the river.

I thought this was pretty.
Very pretty rhododendron here in the RV park.

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