

Friday, August 06, 2010

We've been keeping busy since we got back from our trip. If its not trying to figure out how to get my pictures on the blog and keeping doctor appointments, Dan has been doing maintenance on our rig and we're slowly downsizing and getting it road ready. Trying to lighten the load and get rid of stuff that we've accumulated during our last time out in the desert. I can lighted the load just getting rid of the rocks I've collected. LOL LOL LOL.......I'm gonna work today on some cupboards and drawers. Maybe. Oh boy...............As you can see from the pictures below, we've had some play time too. Dan and Jason were playing with the "big boy" toys. I guess flying the helicopter is easier said then done. Needless to say its not going very high up in the air yet cause its too far for it to fall to the ground. HA! Dan hasn't taken the plane out for a test run yet. We're gonna have to try that from a big field, like a football or baseball field. Dan's daughter Audrey also came over to spend a day and night bringing all her kids. Here is Dan with our great-nephew Caleb, and grands, Tiffany, Nicholas, and Caleb. These pictures of our great-niece Grace and the grand Tiffany sure are cute. They were "best friends" soon as they seen each other. And they called each other "my sister". I got a big charge out of watching them play together.
Speed racer Nicholas
We also went to the beach for awhile. I should have taken my camera because it sure was a pretty sunset. The kids all had a good time on the beach.

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