

Sunday, December 14, 2008

MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS I brought "Flo" and the other flamingo inside last night because it was so WINDY. They were both taking a beating! They'll go back outside today and be the "meet and greet" committee when someone stops over............Yesterday, 12/12, I was going to make my candy cane cookies. We ended up going to Blythe to see a movie instead. We seen "The Day the Earth Stood Still". I'm not too sure about this new movie. I don't really like the updated version. The 1951 movie was more fun for me to watch I think. After watching this new version and then comparing it to the old version, in my opinion, the 1951 movie wins. It was more dramatic and probably had people spellbound when they watched it in the theater. They were seeing all this futuristic stuff in 1951 and the newsreels for the movies were always so "dramatic and out there" with the way the announcers talked. If you were a little kid in 1951 watching this at the cinema, you were probably glued to your seat watching Gort carry Patricia Neal into the space ship, wondering what would happen to her. Can you imagine how many little kids, especially boys, went home after that move and tried to make spaceships and alien costumes?????????? It probably boggled the mind back then. The new movie is ok but leaves little to the imagination. Although Keanu Reeves is cute and Michael Rennie doesn't do a thing for me. hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go to this website and check out the 1951 version. Under "Fun Stuff" there are "Goofs", bloopers. It was fun to read them.... Check out the pictures I tried to take of a neat sunset a couple of days ago. The first three I took while looking out the window of our rig using different settings on my camera. The last picture I took from outside.

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