

Monday, March 17, 2014

Beatty RV Park

Here are some burros on the move out in back of our rig. They were a little ways away so I had on my big zoom lens There were four total. One of them was a little guy. Wish they had been closer.
Don't ya always just see a wrecked car out in the desert? lol lol lol
Bella out "doing her thing".
Sunset over our rig.
Leaving here tomorrow, 3/18. We decided to stay an extra day because of high wind advisories. We're getting gusty wind right now. Its hitting the back of our satellite dish so I haven't been too worried about it yet. If the wind changes direction I might lower the dish so it doesn't get beat up. That would make me mad. Besides not having Internet, we wouldn't have our direct TV working and tonight starts Dancing With The Stars. LOL LOL
Gotta watch that!!!!!!!!!

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