

Wednesday, October 08, 2014


BIG travel day today. 60 miles!!!!!!!! LOL LOL LOL.........We didn't have any problems going over Siskiyou Mt. Pass and the long 7 mile 6% downgrade with an iffy exhaust brake. It was a nice sunny travel day. We're spending 2 nights at Yreka RV Park. One of our favorite parks. We've been staying here since 2008. Bella loves it here. Lots of room to run and explore.....As we were setting up I noticed the bubble/pimple/thingy on one of our 5th wheel tire. Oh crap! Another tire problem. Oh sigh.

And, here is the sign at the top of the downgrade.

Leaving Oregon
Welcome to California

Here is the problem tire
We love this RV park!

Pretty flowers

Oh look. Its the pet plant sunning itself. LOL LOL
Dan taking the bad tire off.
And its a very sad tire.

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