

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


Its 2018! Hard to believe that......Been a very long time since I wrote. As we haven't been traveling for the last 2 1/2 years, who wants to hear about our everyday life? Well, I guess you're stuck reading little blurbs about the pictures.

I know this is before Christmas. Bella was "helping" Dan prune one of the trees in the orchard. She is always ready to climb up the ladder, even if its leaning.
Dan's twins, Andrew and Audrey, meeting up with them for lunch/dinner.
Ahhhhh, Dan is decorating our little Christmas tree.

My sister Christine only put up a few blowups this year.
Dan with two of his grands and daughter-in-law. Annabelle, Amelia, and Tia.
Dan with his son Andrew working on Andrew's truck.
Sister Christine loves babies and they love her. Annabella chillin' out.
Dan's daughter Audrey with Annabelle.
Dan's daughter-in-law Tia with Elowyn.
Ahhhhhh.........Audrey holding Annabella.........
Andrew and Amelia on the quad.

Amelia, Andrew, and Elowyn on the quad. Elowyn LOVED the quad! Audrey chatting with her.
Andrew and Elowyn at our local favorite Chinese joint.
Bella is "helping" Dan trim another tree.
It was POURING out!
Tia took Annabelle and Elowyn to see Dan's mom Mary when she was in the hospital.

The crocus think its springtime.
The crocus are all over the orchard.
My niece Tonya painted Jack Skellington for me. Love my rock!
The rest of these pictures are really special. They are of my oldest son, Michael's, grand kids and daughter. He hadn't seen his daughter Trista for 14 years. She wanted to meet up with him. I was so excited to hear this. I can't believe that I'm a great-grandma! This little girl is Zusanna.
My son Michael and Zusanna

Their dad Gregory with Madeline

Michael with his daughter Trista. I love my granddaughter! I haven't seen her in many year. Maybe someday that will happen.
My great-niece, Grace, drew this for me. Too funny.

1 comment:

Rick and Kathy Rousseau said...

I know what you mean about finding things to write about when you're sitting still. Things can be sound like the same old same old but it's telling us you are alive and still enjoying life. It also acts as a great way to remember things when we don't know which way is Up. You'll be back on the road soon.
Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.