

Wednesday, November 01, 2017


Again its been awhile since I last wrote. Since then life just goes on and on. VA appointments for Dan and just hanging out being retired. I did attend my 50th high school informal class reunion at a local beer joint. A couple of friends talked me into it, otherwise, I never would have gone. I just sat back and was like a big sponge taking it all in. Said hi to lots of people and will admit that I pretty much enjoyed myself while I was there. I didn't go to the dinner/dance or the picnic. I probably won't go to another one. Its just not my thing. Well, maybe. We'll see. :-) Dan's grandson Ryan came to see us. That was fun. His dad John brought him over. He loved riding the quad all over the yard. There was no stopping him. I believe he had a great time..........And Halloween has come and gone. More trick or treaters then normal were out and about. Maybe because it wasn't raining this time.

Here is Ryan riding on the quad
Boy oh boy he had fun!

He is actually taller then me now. Dan's grands are sure growing up fast!
Ryan's dad John and Dan "discussing" stuff.

Me and John
All ready for Halloween
Our indoor greenhouse. lol lol......Dan's two hibiscus will live under the grow light for the winter
Bella chillin' up on her perch. Did you all really think that Bella wouldn't show up on this blog entry? LOL LOL
We always keep fresh water out for the animals
One of Dan's hibiscus
This is what Bella does to me every morning
 This is about as artistic as I get. They looked OK but I didn't clean them out very good inside. I learned that my hands and arms just are not as strong as they used to be and they got sore trying to scrape out all the pumpkin stuff.

The "Christine" plants in the yard are still blooming. Pretty, pretty flower. (Hollyhocks)

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