

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Remember 9/11/2001.......and HAPPY BIRTHDAY KITTIE!!! ______________________ Its been SOOOOOOO nice out that I've neglected my blog. Been outside with Bella most of the time. Shes been chasing squirrels and assisting Dan with waxing our 5th wheel. She climbed up the ladder and sat there for quite awhile. We are slowly in "count down" mode for leaving here. Don't have the exact day yet as it will depend on how soon my sister Christine mends from her surgery. She is having her thyroid taken out. That will be in the next blog entry probably......We've been enjoying the ripening tomatoes and blackberries. Hope the sun sticks around for awhile. We're overrun with blackberries so one of mom's neighbors has been over here picking too. She makes yummy blackberry jam.......Dan has been gone for a couple of days and will be back soon. Hes gone to Everett, WA to spend some time with his youngest daughter Audrey and the grands. When he gets back he'll probably finish waxing our rig. Sure is lonesome here without him. Different anyway. _______________________ Bella "hunting" squirrels. LOL LOL...She has fun chasing them. Queen of the ladder. She likes being up above us, but I think all cats like being up high. She was quite content to sit there and make Dan wait to have his ladder back. Busy, busy, busy. Not easy work for Dan. Hes very careful as hes working and I'm always close by. Our 5th wheel is looking good all shiny. Hey Ryan! Heres that funny weenie dog....Christine's little mutt, Max. This puppy is "busier" then Bella has ever been! I can't keep up with him. His short little stubby legs carry move his little weenie dog body along VERY fast!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hes into everything. I'm sure Christine can't wait for him to get out of the beginning puppy stage. lol lol lol

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