

Monday, September 18, 2017


Since I wrote last I've been hurricane watching. Hurricane Irma. Stupid hurricane anyway covering all of Florida. My oldest son Michael lives in Tallahassee and did a voluntary evacuation because he lives in a mobile home. Better safe then sorry. He headed north and ended up in Knoxville, TN where he was able to stay with a friend. Along the way he was looking for a motel room and everything was booked because of all the people fleeing from Florida. He lucked out when a motel had a cancellation and he jumped right on that. Only for one night but that was OK because he had a destination. Scary stuff. When he came back home he was happy to see that he didn't receive any damage and was able to get back to normal life. I do not like hurricane season. I lived in Georgia for 4 years when I worked at Kings Bay. Nope. No hurricane season for me...........We actually had a day of rain yesterday. It hasn't rained all summer and everything is dry and brown. Bella still went out for awhile. Rain isn't gonna stop her............Dan has been doing cleanup on our rig. About a week ago, he was on top cleaning all the fantastic fan vents and screens. And he finished up the second coat of yellow paint on our shed.

This will be one of the last blooms on Dan's hibiscus. Besides the squirrels loving the buds, the plant will soon go dormant for about 6 months or so.
One of the last blooms on the Hollyhock, our "Christine plant" too.
My youngest son Jason and his girl Jenny bought me this t-shirt when they went camping in Leavenworth, WA.....I love it! The people at my eye doc appointment took the picture. They loved it too!
And, here is how Bella and Tucker roll in the rain. Bella is used to the umbrella and runs to get under it. This is Tucker's first time under it. He was quite skeptical at first but decided it was OK when he seen Bella was under it. It was raining lightly at first, but when the rain was hitting the umbrella pretty hard, it was noisy and spooked Tucker, so he ran. Bella doesn't care. Tucker eventually came back to sit under it later.

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